Fenestra is a women’s NGO that advocates for women’s right to live free from violence. We are women helping other women. Our work is based on the premise that violence against women is unacceptable and prevents women from living freely, with dignity and without fear. Our goal is to contribute to a society that does not tolerate violence against women.

In our counselling centre we provide help and support to women experiencing violence in intimate relationships. Since 1999, we have helped more than 2,300 women and their children. In addition to direct help to women, we work to ensure that all women have access to prompt and effective protection and assistance from the state and its institutions. We cooperate with various organisations and institutions in this regard. We strive to change people's attitudes towards violence against women through campaigns. We educate various professions and introduce knowledge from other countries in Slovakia.
Fenestra is a women’s NGO that advocates for women’s right to live free from violence. We are women helping other women. Our work is based on the premise that violence against women is unacceptable and prevents women from living freely, with dignity and without fear. Our goal is to contribute to a society that does not tolerate violence against women.

In our counselling centre we provide help and support to women experiencing violence in intimate relationships. Since 1999, we have helped more than 2,300 women and their children. In addition to direct help to women, we work to ensure that all women have access to prompt and effective protection and assistance from the state and its institutions. We cooperate with various organisations and institutions in this regard. We strive to change people’s attitudes towards violence against women through campaigns. We educate various professions and introduce knowledge from other countries in Slovakia.
was founded in 1996 as the first mother centre in Slovakia. It was set up by a group of women who got inspired by the idea of mother centers in Germany. Our mother centre became a safe space for women where they could share their experience and their lives. As women felt safe in the mother centre, we were gradually fidning out that many of them lived in an abusive relationship. Therefore, our founders started to seek information and knowledge on providing help and support to women experiencing intimate partner violence. They gained initial knowledge and information from Austria and from publications issued by Slovak women’s NGOs Aspekt and Pro Familia. In 1999, the mother centre ended it activities and a counselling centre for women – survivors of intimate partner violence was set up.

We founded Fenestra as the first maternity centre in Slovakia
We opened Fenestra Counselling Centre for women - survivors of intimate partner violence.
We participated in the first national campaign ”One-In-Five Women” We became active members of the European network “WAVE - Women Against Violence Europe”
We organised the first exhibition “Silent Witnesses” and the first monitoring of murders of women as a result of violence of their partners or husbands
We established the Working Group for the Prevention and Elimination of Violence against Women in Košice as a platform for cooperation among institutions
We started to regularly participate in the global campaign “16 Days of Action against Gender Based Violence”
We received the “Women of Courage” award from the U.S. Embassy in Slovakia for more than 20 years of work to end violence against women
We founded Fenestra as the first maternity centre in Slovakia
We opened Fenestra Counselling Centre for women experiencing violence in intimate relationships
We participated in the first national campaign ”One-In-Five Women” We became active members of the European network “WAVE - Women Against Violence Europe”
We organised the first exhibition “Silent Witnesses” and the first monitoring of murders of women as a result of violence of their partners or husbands
We established the Working Group for the Prevention and Elimination of Violence against Women in Košice as a platform for cooperation among institutions
We started to regularly participate in the global campaign “16 Days of Action against Gender Based Violence”
We received the “Women of Courage” award from the U.S. Embassy in Slovakia for more than 20 years of work to end violence against women
We are convinced that we can live in a world where violence against women will be an isolated phenomenon, not a common reality for many women and their children. Today, however, we consider it a priority that all women and children experiencing violence can receive the help, support and protection that will enable them to live a life of dignity in safety.
We want a society in which every woman is free to make decisions about her life, fully exercising her rights and freedoms without violence and discrimination.
Our vision
We want a society in which every woman is free to make decisions about her life, fully exercising her rights and freedoms without violence and discrimination.
Fenestra is committed to ending violence against women by:

Defending women’s right to live free from violence with the aim of improving the conditions in the environment so that women experiencing violence receive prompt, professional and effective protection and assistance from the relevant institutions.

Conducting dialogue and developing cooperation with key actors responsible for the development of strategies and policies. Our aim is for the state to really take responsibility for the prevention and elimination of violence against women, and to implement it with concrete and effective measures.

Emphasizing the need to address the causes of violence against women by gradually eliminating the inequalities between women and men in society, which are at the root of violence and discrimination that women experience in both public and private life.
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