EU funded project „Protection of victims of gender based violence – response to pandemic challenges- RISKFREE“
Autonomous Women’s House Zagreb is coordinating a new project funded from the Programme Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) of the European Commission. The project is implemented with the following partner organizations: Centre for Women War Victims -ROSA (Croatia), Union of Women’s Associations from Heraklion – UWAH (Greece), Association for Non-violent Communication -DNK (Slovenia, Fenestra (Slovakia) and Women for Women Together Against Violence Association- NANE (Hungary).
The purpose of this project which started on 15 April 2022 and will last until 14 April 2024 is to counter the increase of gender-based violence against women and during the pandemic by examining the phenomenon identifying increased risk level for victims in the context of the pandemic, and developing an upgraded protocol and updated risk assessment methodology, ensuring continuity of service delivery to victims using new ways of providing support. In addition, it will enhance the capacities of font-line workers in providing support to victims through trainings on risk assessment. Finally, public sensitization campaigns will be conducted in all countries aiming to promote zero tolerance to gender-based violence against women and girls and to inform women how to seek help.
Specific objectives of the project are to:
– Provide in-depth needs analysis, including an overview of new challenges caused by the pandemic on the raise of gender-based violence through research.
– Improve the protection and support of victims through the development of tools for risk assessment and protocol for on-line counselling of victims.
– Provide customized psychosocial support to victims (based on their specific needs and context) of GBV addressing new challenges caused by the pandemic.
– Prevent and combat gender-based violence though advocacy, intensive awareness raising and promotion of project results.
Target groupswhich will be directly supported by the project are women victims of gender-based violence, including migrant women and victims of trafficking in Balkan Countries such as Croatia, Greece, Slovakia, Slovenia and Hungary,
Additional target groups service-providers and professionals who are in contact with women survivors (police, judiciary, social care workers) and the general public who will be informed about gender-based violence though media campaigns. Indirect target groups are all other women who are gender-based violence victims on whom the project will have a long-term impact (prevented gender-based violence, better protection and support by institutions).
The project is expected to trigger change since it will identify emerging needs of women survivors of gender-based violence during the pandemic, develop tools for early detection of signs of violence, thus leading to a better service – provision and protection of women and will contribute to enhanced protection of women victims in the long term. Training of service providers working with victims and public awareness activities will contribute to strengthened capacities of front-line workers in addressing specific needs of women survivors in the context of the pandemic and to the prevention of future violence against women.