Last week we conducted a workshop on intimate partner violence against women for police officers in the Rožňava district. The workshop was attended by 20 police officers, 17 men and 3 women. Most of them work as first responders at the basic police units in Rožňava district.
The police is an extremely important institution, as police officers are usually the first to come into contact with women experiencing intimate partner violence, as well as with perpetrators. They are often young men and women, for whom it is essential to have a good understanding of the power and control dynamics in abusive relationships, as well as the risk factors affecting the safety of women and children. It was evident that participants were interested in the issue of violence against women as they encounter such cases in their daily work.

Feedback provided at the end of the meeting indicated that they would welcome further training or seminars on this issue, including on risk factors and assessing the level of risk that women face as a result of abusive behaviour of their current or former partners and husbands.

The workshop was carried out within the project “Protection of victims of gender-based violence – response to pandemic challenges (RISKFREE)” financed by the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values programme (CERV) of the European Commission.
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