Safe browsing

If you are experiencing violence from your partner, use a secure computer, tablet or smart phone that your partner does not have direct access to to find help and information on-line.

If you suspect that your partner is checking and monitoring your on-line activities, this may indeed be the case. Use the computer, tablet, smartphone, and internet connection that your partner has access to mostly for routine activities, such as looking up the weather forecast, TV programme, etc. It does not require an expert to monitor your activities on various electronic devices. There are many ways this can be done.

The safest way to get information online is to connect to the internet from a computer, tablet, smartphone you use at work, or from a device of someone you trust. Another option is to use devices that are available in public areas, such as libraries, electronics stores, or mobile phone service providers’ outlets.

Also use a secure device to look for the information you need if you are about to leave a relationship – job and housing advertisements, train and bus schedules, information about the price of train and bus tickets, and so on.

Computers, tablets and smartphones store lots of information about the websites you visit, emails and instant messages you send, internet phone calls, online purchases, money transactions through internet banking and many other activities.

Exit site now button

Yellow button Exit site now on the right quickly hides the Fenestra website, but you will need to clear your history to completely cover your tracks.

Private browsing

If you urgently need to find information on the Internet from a device that is not safe for you, use “private browsing” mode in the web browser. In this mode, no data about your activity (no history, web cache or anything else) is stored on the device you are using.

Find out how to search privately in these browsers:



Microsoft Edge


Delete browsing history

You can delete the entire browsing history or specific pages that you don’t want to appear in the browsing history of web browsers.

How to clear browsing history in these browsers:



Microsoft Edge



If you suspect or know that your partner is tracking your Internet or computer activity, it can be dangerous to suddenly delete your web browsing history. This can be especially suspicious if it’s not something you usually do, or something that’s habitual when using a computer, tablet or smart phone in your home.

For more information about using the Internet, computer, tablet and smart phone safely, see SAFETY AND TECHNOLOGY.


< 16 / 16 >

Does your partner justify his violent behaviour by drinking or having a bad day at work, etc.?

< 15 / 16 >

Has your partner ever prevented you from leaving the house?

< 14 / 16 >

Does your partner force sex or sexual practices that are uncomfortable for you?

< 13 / 16 >

Does your partner threaten to take your children away from you or not let you take them with you if you try to leave him?

< 12 / 16 >

Has your partner ever prevented you from taking necessary medication or seeking medical help when you needed it?

< 11 / 16 >

Does your partner force you to do things you don't want to do?

< 10 / 16 >

Has there been a situation when your partner did not give you money and you could not buy things you needed for yourself and your children because of this?

< 9 / 16 >

Has your partner ever threatened you?

< 8 / 16 >

Has your partner ever hurt you or your children?

< 7 / 16 >

Have you ever had a partner deliberately destroy your personal belongings or your children's personal belongings?

< 6 / 16 >

Do you sometimes change your behaviour because you are afraid of what your partner will say or do to you?

< 5 / 16 >

Are you sometimes afraid of your partner?

< 4 / 16 >

Does he criticize, humiliate, insult, berate you?

< 3 / 16 >

Does your partner accuse you of flirting or having relationships with other men?

< 2 / 16 >

Does your partner control you or stalk you?

< 1 / 16 >

Does your partner prevent you from seeing friends or family?


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